3 Things this Health Coach is doing in the 3rd Trimester to prepare for Labor 🤰🏻
If you didn't hear, we are expecting our 3rd baby any day now!  
I've been nesting and cleaning this house like crazy!  But another thing that I'm doing in my 3rd trimester is helping my body prepare for labor. 

Here are a few things that I have been doing in my 3rd trimester to get ready for Labor

  • Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea 
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea has been shown to strengthen the Uterus wall and has even been used for other hormonal help. Studies have shown that red raspberry leaf tea can reduce complications and interventions during birth, and even help to make labor faster. Yes to all of that! am I right mamas?

Red raspberry leaf also has vitamins C, E, and A, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, and has essential trace minerals such as zinc, iron, chromium and manganese... So amazing benefits! 

  • Eat Dates
Why Dates? Studies have shown that dates help prepare the Cervix for labor and can reduce needs for inductions. These studies have also shown that dates may ease labor and reduce postpartum hemorrhage. 

Also dates have a lot of fiber (goodbye pregnancy constipation), iron, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants which are not only great for pregnant mama's but for anyone! 

And we are told to increase Folate during pregnancy... Dates are a great way to do that! 

I wrote a previous blog post all about dates and some of my favorite ways to eat them. 
Check it out here
  • Exercises to Open my Hips
There are a lot of stretches and exercises that you can do to prepare for labor. We want our hips to be as flexible as possible to make room for our baby. My favorite way to do this is using my exercise ball. You can look on YouTube and find so many exercise ball videos for pregnant moms (great ball workouts for any of you out there that aren't pregnant too!)  The Free App, FitOn also has some great Pregnancy workouts for opening the hips. 

Also, I was finding that the larger I got, the worse my posture and hip position was from sitting back on the couch or my bed. How to switch that? Get your exercise ball out and sit on that while you are sitting. You will be amazed how it is actually much more comfortable and better for your back and hips. Another thing you can do if relaxing, is lay on your side with pillows between your knees. 

Congrats Mama! 
HERE are a few of my other favorites for Pregnancy, Delivery, and Postpartum

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach

(989) 245-5358


1 Comment

  1. Such great last term tips, Bailey!
    You have done amazing! *As if there ever would be a question??
    I love your website, Your hard work is certainly paying off!
    Much Love, Deb

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