Headaches, Muscle cramps, Anxiety, and Restless Sleep... guess what mineral you are missing

Headaches, Muscle cramps, Anxiety, and Restless Sleep... guess what mineral you are missing
The majority of us are magnesium deficient... it is amazing how many problems it can causes when our body is deficient in certain minerals...  

So...the question is why are so many of us magnesium deficient?  

  • Our soil, today, is depleted and has lower levels of magnesium and other minerals.  
  • Water supplies have chemicals like fluoride and chlorine which bind to magnesium.   
  • Things that we consume like caffeine and sugar deplete our magnesium levels. 
 What kind of things can magnesium help with? 
  • Muscle cramps/ Aches 
  • Headaches 
  • Anxiety 
  • Better sleep  
And did you know that topically is a great way to get magnesium into your body. 
It absorbs through your skin and avoids going through the digestive track. 
My personal story - During my pregnancies, I had awful restless legs and muscle cramps. (My body was telling me that it needed more magnesium as it was using more of my minerals to create that little life inside of me)

Someone suggested magnesium... so I made up this spray, and I was amazed that my muscle cramps went away! I use this spray daily. I spray it on legs, arms, and back after I shower. 

Recipe : 

Mix everything together and poor in your glass spray bottle. It may tingle the first couple times, this is normal. (If it bothers you, you can dilute it a little more.) Let me know if you give it a try! 

Not a DIYer? Here is a ready made magnesium spray, just add your lavender essential oil. 

Here are a couple of my favorites if you prefer a supplement version of Magnesium - MegaCal & Unwind

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach

(989) 245-5358

Natural Remedies Part 2 - Coughs

Natural Remedies Part 2 - Coughs
Coughs... I have been the mama that is up most of the night with the child that has a cough, and just wanting it to stop so everyone can get some much-needed rest. 

I am not a doctor, but I have been studying natural health for over 10 years and wanted to share some of the things that we use in our home when a cough hit our house. 

Here are some of our favorite ways to kick a cough...

A good cough syrup.
I couldn't believe the amount of cough syrups that are on the shelf that have ingredients like artificial sweeteners and artificial food dyes. Those are two ingredients that we try to avoid if possible. So when we aren't feeling good, i definitely don't want to put something like that in my body. 

So what's a mama to do?

Honey is a natural cough suppressant, and you can add a drop of thieves and lemon vitality for extra help. Maty's Cough Syrup is a brand that we found that has clean ingredients and works great too! 
And Thieves cough drops or Thieves lozenges are game changer for you or the big kids in your family. 

Detox Bath and steam
 Run the shower on high for a few minutes with the bathroom door closed. Then start a detox bath. We love detox baths to help us fight any kind of germ that comes our way. 

What is a detox bath? Run the bath as normal and add a cup or two of Epsom salts with a few drops of your favorite essential oil (R.C., Raven, Lavender, Frankincense, Eucalyptus Globulus, or Snifflease are our favorites for respiratory support), and 1/4-1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. 

Chest Rub
Again, i found that a lot of the ingredients for chest rubs at the store had ingredients that I didn't like. Most of them are petroleum based, which is pretty toxic... 

I used to DIY a chest rub, which worked great, but if you are busy like me, having a ready made option is always nice. Young Livings Thieves Chest Rub is a brand that we found that has a super clean ingredient list and let's just say, we are never without it! Even when allergy season starts up, my husband reaches for this. 
And if you love DIYing... you can find my DIY Chest Rub Recipe HERE in my ALL THINGS RESPIRATORY GUIDE

We have our diffusers going every day because I love the smell and I want clean air in our home. But when someone has a cough, definitely get that diffuser going and my favorites to diffuse for respiratory support are all of the ones that we talked about above in the detox bath. 

Most of my everyday diffusers are water diffusers which mean i fill it with water and add a few drops of an essential oil of my choice. However when someone needs extra support, i get out my waterless diffuser, and run it on and off throughout the day. 

Support the Immune system
Last but not least, when anyone has a cough, we need to support that immune system! 
  • Cut back on sugar, which suppresses our immune system.
  • Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and broths. 
  • Cut back on dairy which can form mucus. 
  • Add in antioxidants - Our fav antioxidant drink is Ningxia Red. We drink it everyday, so when someone isn't feeling good, we double up!
  • Thieves - We will never be without this little powerhouse blend. We put it on our feet every morning and every night for some immune support, and more often when someone is struggling with any kind of sickies. 

That was a lot of info, but if you want more! 
Here is my full guide on ALL THINGS RESPIRATORY

I wish you health and happiness, and hope that this prepares your wellness cabinet so that you are ready to tackle the next cough or sniffles that come your way. 

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach
Young Living Brand Partner

(989) 245-5358

Natural Remedies Part 1 - Stomach Bug

Natural Remedies Part 1 - Stomach Bug
We all dread that moment when someone in the house is hit with a stomach bug. 
Here are some natural remedies that you can keep in mind and be prepared for the next time the bug hits your house. 

Digize or Tummygize - These are two oil blends (Digize for adults and Tummygize diluted for kids) that were designed specifically for digestive troubles. And I am here to say that these have saved us more than once. We have grabbed for them for everything from heartburn, car sickness, nausea, diarrhea, morning sickness, and yes... the stomach flu. 

How do you use them? We rub it on our belly at the first sign of digestive distress and continue to do it throughout the day until the symptoms are gone. 

Digize is a vitality oil, which means it is safe for internal use, so I also put a drop under my tongue or put a few drops in an empty vegetable capsule.   

- Homeopathy - This is a natural health outlet that I am still learning, but amazed at how it works. Nux Vomica and Arsen Alb are two that we have on hand for stomach troubles. (Shelson's Natural Health is our favorite Homeopathic Practice, and they do phone appointments if you are not local.)

- Activated Charcoal - Charcoal binds to toxins in your body, so this can be helpful. I buy them in capsules, but you can open a capsule and put a little in apple sauce. Some people suggest taking this if someone else in your house comes home with the stomach bug to help prevent you from catching it. 

- Electrolytes - Alot of the electrolyte drinks out there have not so good ingredients like sugar, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and artificial food dyes... No thank you!  Those are the last things that we need when we are sick. 

So instead, try something as simple as coconut water (it is full of natural electrolytes) or YL Vitality Drops + Electrolytes are one of our favorites. 

-Probiotics - And most important, we want to be proactive and help our bodies avoid any bugs that we can, right? 

90% of your immune system starts in our gut flora (all those little good bacteria in your digestive tract) So we want to help increase the good guys in our gut to help fight off any bad guys that come their way. 

Our kids take Mighty Pro probiotics (the kid version) and we take Life 9 Probiotics (the adult version) every night. 

Thieves - And of course we always have this immune super hero blend on hand. We put it on our feet (yup, bottom of your feet is a great spot to absorb the immune boosting power of thieves) every morning and every night and apply extra if someone is feeling under the weather(applying up the back is a great place too for sickies, may need to dilute a little because this blend has cinnamon bark oil) 

And big priority! Get Thieves going in your diffuser! You want to clean out all of those germs hanging around the house and in the air.  (cracking a window in the house for a little bit each day is a big help too! Get that fresh air in and germs out) 

I hope this helps you get your wellness cabinet ready for any stomach bugs that come your way and helps anyone hit with it to fight it and feel better fast!

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach
Young Living Brand Partner

(989) 245-5358

Cheat Sheet for Healthy Hormones

Cheat Sheet for Healthy Hormones
Hormones... they affect a lot in our life... when they are off balance, our bodies start sending SOS signals. 

Today we are going to talk about something that affects hormones for both men and women ... Estrogen Dominance

Hormones are all about balance; so when Estrogen takes over, it affects all the other hormones and how they communicate with our bodies. And a lot of us may not even realize that Estrogen Dominance is what is causing our hormone problems.  

Common Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance 
  • Irregular or heavy periods  
  • Water retention
  • Breast swelling and tenderness
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Fibrocystic breast changes
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Hair Loss
  • Painful Periods
  • PMS 
  • Prostate problems
  • Lower libido
  • Breasts in men
  • PCOS
  • Breast Cancer
So what causes the hormone Estrogen to become dominant?  


 ⁣These are man-made chemicals that mimic estrogen, have estrogenic activity in the body and negatively impact hormone balance. Xenoestrogens can be found in plastics, cleaners, and personal care products. (Fav toxic free cleaner and Fav place for personal care products. )
Liver Health

Poor liver function can also cause big problems for your hormones.  The livers job is to make estrogen water-soluble so the body can excrete it in the urine. 

Herbicides and Pesticides

Our food is a lot different than it was for our Grandparents. Herbicides and Pesticides are used on crops and it is affecting our overall health, but also our hormones. 

Nutritional deficiencies such as zinc, B vitamins, and magnesium 

Because of nutrient depleted soil and food choices a lot of us are deficient in these vitamins and minerals. HERE are my favs for these three (if you are needing energy in the afternoon, super b is going to be a game changer) 

A low-fiber diet

When stool remains in the bowel longer than it should (constipation), the estrogen is reabsorbed. Yup, here I am again talking about how important gut health is! So get adding more fruits and veggies to your diet or add a good quality fiber supplement. (Fav Fiber Supplement HERE )

Bonus : Click HERE If you want to get my free Gut  Email series. 

Emotional stress or trauma

We all have daily stresses and things that we have experienced in our life. Click HERE for my free 14 days to Self Love campaign with some of my fav ways to support my mental health. 

Factory farmed meats

Nearly 80% of all antibiotics go towards farming-not even for humans. Feeds used contain a number of hormone-disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and drugs. When buying meats, be sure it is grass-fed, free-range

Now that we know some things to avoid, let's talk about some things that you can use to help improve your hormone life.  Here is your cheat sheet!

The endocrine system is a network of glands throughout the body that make hormones - insulin, thyroid hormone, cortisol, sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) and more. The hormones made in the endocrine system are responsible for almost every cell, organ, and function in the body. 

Adrenal, thyroid and sex hormones work in a cycle together. Thyroid hormone affects sex hormones. Adrenal hormones affect thyroid hormones. Sex hormones affect adrenal hormones. So when one part of the cycle is out of balance, there are consequences for the entire endocrine system. 


The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys and are known for the 'fight or flight' response. This response is natural and necessary. It protects us when in high stress situations (like running from a lion), but the constant stress of daily life often keeps our adrenals on overdrive.

Stress: try CortiStop, EndoFlex Vitality, NingXia Red and Super B
The thyroid gland performs a myriad of tasks in the body. It regulates metabolism, energy, body temperature, and hormone production which impacts just about every other body system in some way. Thyroid support is always important, but it is especially so for women aged 25-45 and before/during/after pregnancy. 

Thyroid: try Thyromin, NingXia Red, and EndoFlex


Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone play a huge role in our overall health - everything from reproduction to muscle tone to mood to energy levels. Chronic stress, improper nutrition, low vitamin D levels, an unhealthy gut balance and yeast overgrowth can all negatively affect estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. 

  • Low estrogen: try FemiGen, Clary Sage, and EndoFlex
  • Low progesterone: try Progessence Plus, FemiGen and EndoFlex
  • Men's hormone health: try PowerGize, Idaho Blue Spruce, and NingXia Red
  • Overall hormone balance (estrogen/progesterone/testosterone): try Progessence Plus, EndoGize, NingXia Red and Super B

When estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are out of balance, it can cause some pretty uncomfortable symptoms during the monthly cycle. Other factors for painful periods include overall inflammation and even dietary sensitivities. This topic is multifactorial, but here are a few options when it comes to balancing and supporting menstrual cycles.

  • Hormonal tension: try Clary Sage, EndoGize, and Golden Turmeric
  • Fertility support: try Progessence Plus, EndoGize, and NingXia Red
  • Menstrual support (PMS, cramping, etc.): try Progessence Plus, EndoGize, Golden Turmeric and NingXia Red
  • Menopause: try FemiGen, Clary Sage, and Golden Turmeric
  • Uterine tissue support: try Progessence Plus, Golden Turmeric, and CortiStop (intermittently) 
For more on these, check out the individual spotlights linked below!

I hope this helps answer some of your hormone questions! And if you would like to dive more into your specific hormone needs, schedule a free 15 min Health Chat with me. 

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach
Young Living Brand Partner

(989) 245-5358