Little Memories
A Parent's Journal of Special Moments and Sayings

As a mom to two little boys, I found myself always caught up in the dishes, laundry, or work. My boys would always say or do the cutest things that made us smile, but then I would find myself forgetting exactly what they said or did. 

I knew that years down the road, I definitely would not remember all of those cute little memories. 

This journal is to capture those moments. I use this journal to write down the funny, adorable, sometimes crazy but memorable moments. I can't wait to show them these when they are older, and all laugh together. 

The days are long, but the years are short couldn't be more accurate of a saying. I'm going to do the most of capturing the joy of these little years. 

I hope capturing these memories brings you so much joy and blessings. 

A Great Day Gratitude Journal
Finding Joy in the Small Moments

Starting a Gratitude Journal changed my life! Taking a few minutes every day to stop and truly think about what I was thankful for turned my negative mindset around! 

If you are like me, you may not even realize how we automatically dwell on the negative things about our day. Let's change that narrative and focus on the positive! 

How do you use this journal? Start your day by writing down three things that you are thankful for in the last 24 hours, and be specific. It could be something as silly as.... I’m so happy and grateful that I got that laundry folded last night. Remember, the key to a gratitude practice is not overlooking the small things.
When we recognize the good things that we have in our life, it puts our worries and stressors into perspective. It is important to focus on what we HAVE rather than what we do NOT have. When our attention and awareness is on positivity, positive things in life will begin to show up more and more each day.

I'm excited to hear how it blesses your life as you begin writing all the great things in your life.

Perfect Peace
A Biblical Affirmation Coloring Book to Calm Your Heart

Letting our mind rest and pause is truly rare in this fast-paced hustle world that we live in. I designed this coloring book to have something that I can do to give my brain a few minutes to pause and let go of the worries of the day. 

God does want us to live in perfect peace. So go claim your PEACE! 

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I hope this book blesses you as you work toward 
your Perfect Peace

His & Hers
A Couples Gratitude Journal

Our lives are busy... Connecting with our spouse can be challenging. My husband and I would find ourselves crashing after a busy day of work, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids; we would say "How was your day?" with the answers of "Good" "Good" ... and that was it... 

We started this couples gratitude journal to connect with each other at the end of the day by stopping to think about what happened that day that we were most grateful for.

 Taking a few minutes every day to stop and think 
about what we were truly thankful for, 
turned our negative mindset around... 
And sharing it with each other connected us. 

How do you use this journal?

At the end of everyday, grab your His & Hers Gratitude Journal and take turns writing down one thing that happened today, that you are grateful for and share it with each other. That's it! 

Thank you so much for purchasing this journal, I'm excited to hear how it connects you and your spouse.  

Meet the Author
I am a wife and boy mom to two little boys.  My own needs for peace, mental health, and quality relationships are why I started publishing books. 

All of my books were designed to help with an area in my own life... and now I love hearing stories how they have blessed so many others. 

I I hope that they are a blessing for you and bring peace and joy to your life too.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you"
-Isaiah 26:3