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My favorite Supplements
There is a huge difference between Young Living supplements and regular store-bought supplements. Young Living Supplements have an 80% absorption rate compared to conventional supplements, which only have a 30% absorption rate! That is a whopping 50% difference! This tells me you get way more bang for your buck and the supplements will be that much more effective! 

Click here for more info and to get 24% off

Grocery Savings
Thrive Market

This is my saving grace! Easy way to get Organic and Non GMO items into our home. Great Prices, no trip to the store, and free shipping for over $50 purchases. Click here to get 40% off of your first order

Essential oils are my jam!
 I couldn't believe the change i felt after getting rid of the air fresheners and candles in our home. Love that I have this way to make our home smell so nice and not worry about the air quality. 

Plus I have found a million other uses for these oils in cleaning, supporting our health, and more! Young Living has a special place in my heart! I have visited a few of their farms where the plants are grown. 

Being able to touch the lavender and other plants that go into these little bodies was amazing! I'm so in aww of the power of plants, and God's design for them in our lives. 

Get in on this oily life! It's amazing, and I'll be here to help you every step of the way! 
Mom Time Fitness

This is my favorite Fitness App! quick workouts to squeeze in when you can, because Mom's don't have an hour of uninterrupted time. And did I mention it's FREE! Everything from Yoga, cardio, weights, even a workout with kids category. Try it out and let me know how you like  it!

I love getting things delivered to my door when I can. As a mama., anything that saves me a trip to the store is a win! Misfit Market is our favorite box for fresh produce and other snacks. 

MUD\WTRâ„¢ is a coffee alternative made with organic ingredients celebrated by cultures young and old for their health and performance benefits. With 1/7th the caffeine as a cup of coffee, you get focus, energy and immunity without the jitters, crash and dependency. 

I used to drink coffee, but I didn't like how I felt like I HAD to have it. And coffee is acidic, which I was trying to put more alkaline foods in my body to balance my overall PH. 

I tried alot of coffee "alternatives" but nothing quite filled that coffee taste until I found MUD/WTR! And it is full of amazing ingredients like Chai, Cacao, Lion's Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi, Cinnamon, Tumeric, and Himalayan Salt.  Here is my favorite way to make it into a latte without dairy or added sugar. 

Grab Yours Here and let me know how you like it! 

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