A Healthy Sugar Replacement that might Surprise You
We all know that too much sugar is not good for us... But that doesn't mean that you have to give up all sweets forever! There are a lot of things in nature that we can use to sweeten our favorite dishes, and I'm going to share one of my favorites with you, right now...


Before I started using dates as a sweetener, these were not a regular on my grocery list. But now, I don't know what we ever did without them. 

Whole Medjool Dates are what you want to look for; just remember to take the pit out before using them in any of the recipes below. (Ask my husband about the time he made me a smoothie and forgot to take the pits out of the dates, LOL ) 

So why are Dates a better option than sugar? 
They have a low glycemic index, which means they won't spike your blood sugar. And dates have nutrients like iron, calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants. 

They also support brain function, improve digestion, and provide a natural source of energy because of their natural sugars. 

Different ways to use dates as a sweetener alternative

  • Smoothies - If you need your smoothie a little sweeter, add a couple dates. Especially helpful if you are starting green smoothies and need to tame down that "green" just a little bit. 

  • Lattes - Sweeten up a latte. This is my favorite way to use dates, and probably accounts for the majority of the dates used in our house. HERE is my favorite recipe for using dates in your favorite type of latte. 

  • Desserts -Google or hop on Pinterest and you will be amazed at all the ways you can satisfy your sweet tooth with dates. Date Turtles, Caramel Sauce, Homemade Lara Bars, Snicker Stuffed Dates (Yes, they taste like a Snikers Bar), Cookies, Protein bites or bars, brownies, and even bacon wrapped dates if you are looking for a delicious fancy appetizer. 

  • Date Sugar or Date Syrups - And for an easy swap for your favorite baking recipes, you can use Date Sugar or Date Syrup in your favorite recipes in place of sugar. If you can't find these at your grocery store, THIS is where I get them.

I would love to hear if you incorporate dates into some of your recipes! 


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