Little Memories Journal
As a mama, somedays I want to freeze time and keep them little! When you are pregnant, everyone tells you that parenthood goes by so fast. But you don't realize it until it is happening before your eyes. ...Excuse me while I go shed a few mom, emotional moment tears... lol 

I love capturing videos and pictures of my boys, but there is no way that I can catch everything. Sometimes they just say the cutest things at the spur of  a moment, and there is no way that you could remake that moment. 

My boys would say or do the cutest things that made us smile, but then I would find myself forgetting exactly what they said or did. I knew that years down the road, I definitely would not remember all of those cute little memories. So, I created a journal to capture those moments!

I write down the funny, adorable, and sometimes crazy but memorable moments. And I can't wait to show them these when they are older, and all laugh together. 

The days are long, but the years are short couldn't be more accurate of a saying. I'm going to do the most of capturing the joy of these little years while we are living them. 

And I made this journal for other mama's to capture their precious memories too! Something to remind us to stop and take a minute to save a memory. 

This is going to be my new go to baby shower book, so all of my pregnant friends, expect this! lol 

 Grab yours HERE!

I would love to hear if you get one! Reach out or tag me on social when you get yours! 

- Bailey Lowe


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