Nourishing Bone Broth that doesn’t take all day to make
Make Bone broth? This was something that I never thought I had the time for. Life with Toddlers is crazy and adding something like this to my to do list, sounded 

Fast forward, here I am making bone broth... And guess what? It’s not a boil all day on the stove top recipe. 
You totally got this! 

Ok so first before I share the HOW, lets talk about WHY in the world you would want to even make your own bone broth.  

  • Inexpensive - Just think of that chicken carcass as a couple boxes of broth you can skip on your next grocery trip. 

  • Ingredients - You don’t have to read the label on this! You know that all the ingredients are good and whole. A lot of boxed broths, have hidden ingredients like MSG, that no way do we want (Make suer your chicken is organic, free range. You want a healthy chicken for your healthy broth) 

  • Excellent source of minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, amino acids, glycine

  • Boosts the Immune System (There is a reason that chicken soup is a go to when we are sick) 

  • Great for Digestion - improving gut health makes a huge difference for things like allergies, immune health, brain health, and so much more

  • Bone, tooth, hair, skin, joints, and nail health, can even reduce cellulite! 

  • Good source of Collagen

So definitely all good reasons to dive in and make some broth. Let’s get started!

So how are we going to make nutritious Bone Broth in a couple hours Instead of boiling all day on the stove? Girls, it’s time to get that pressure cooker out! Where are my instant pot fans? Sometimes you hear all about something, and think, is it too good to be true? This is not that kind of situation; Instant Pots, or a pressure cooker is a must for busy mama’s in the kitchen. 

Next time you cook up that beautiful whole chicken, save the bones! That is where all the bone broth super powers are. Or you can ask your local organic farmer for beef or chicken bones. Farmers markets are great places to find local options. 


  •  Chicken Carcass (Can also do this with 2-3 pounds of beef, pork, or lamb bones) 
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 3 Celery Stalks
  • 1-2 Carrots
  • 1 tsp Himalayan Salt  
  • 8- 10 Cups Water
  • 1-2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Sprig of Thyme or Rosemary or 1 tsp of dried


1. Place the chicken bones in the Pressure cooker/Instant Pot and add Onion, Carrots, Celery, Salt, and Herbs. 
2. Add water to cover the bones but do not fill more than 2/3 full.
3. Add the Apple Cider Vinegar (This helps pull minerals from the bones) 
4. Select the Manual Setting and choose High Pressure and set the timer for 120 minutes 
5. Once complete, allow to depressurize slowly
6. Strain broth and store in mason jars in the fridge or freeze for later use. 

If you have Beef, Pork, or Lamb bones roast them in the oven for at 350 for 30 minutes first, then follow the above instructions. 

1 Comment

  1. What a fabulous & easy recipe for making Bone Broth! It is so nutritious to enjoy anytime!

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