What is your Lymphatic System and What can you do to help it out?
We are constantly exposed to things in our environment that our body needs to detox
Your amazing body that God created has natural ways to detox ; things like sweating, digestion, breathing, and even sleeping. 

Your Lymphatic System is one of the ways that your body detoxes. This amazing system is your bodies’ garbage truck; if it isn’t flowing, all of that garbage is building up which then causes a lot of problems...

Here are some signs that lymphatic fluid is not moving effectively and that toxins are building up in your body:

• Bloating
• Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
• Brain fog
• Digestive issues
• Cellulite
• Depression
• Sinus infections
• Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
• Enlarged lymph nodes
• Chronic fatigue
• Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
• Excess weight
• Cold hands and feet
• Constipation
• Worsened allergies
• Food sensitivities
• Increased colds and flu

What are some easy things that you can do to help your 
Lymphatic System? 

  • Jump - Your Lymphatic System does not pump like your circulatory system, so any kind of jumping movement is great to keep your Lymph moving! Run, walk, jump rope, jumping jacks, or one of my new favorites is rebounding! Rebounding is a small trampoline, there are some great workouts on YouTube, or just jumping for a few minutes a day.

  • Dry Brushing - Naturally stimulates the flow of your lymphatic system. It promotes lymph drainage to help detoxification and circulation in your body. Which boosts your immune system and even aids in digestion. You can buy a dry brush like this at most stores or online. This is something that you can do quick before you hop in the shower! 

  • Essential Oils - Cypress is great for supporting lymphatic congestion and Citrus oils are great for supporting our bodies natural detoxification. 

  • Spirulina is a source of chlorophyll which is a potent cleaner that purifies the bodily fluids, such as blood, lymph, supports healthy metabolism, and energy levels. Multi Greens are my go too for Spirulina

  • Armpit Detox - there are a lot of lymph nodes in your armpit and breast area. And most of us have used deodorants for years that are full of toxic ingredients... guess where all those ingredients go... right into your lymph system...Here are a couple easy ways to do an armpit detox 
    • Mix 2 Tablespoon of Bentonite Clay and 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and make a paste. Apply the paste to your armpits and once it dries, hop in the shower to rinse it off. 
    • If you aren't a DIYer, and want a quick option.  Apply this Charcoal Mask to your armpits, let it dry, and hop in the shower to rinse it off. 

Are you ready? 

Do you need easy step by step instructions
 to start working on your Lymph Health? 


- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach
Young Living Brand Partner

(989) 245-5358


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