Easy, Yummy, Healthy, Gummy Recipe

Easy, Yummy, Healthy, Gummy Recipe
Sharing a fun recipe that we love to make at our house! Who doesn’t love dinosaur shaped gummies?  

Most of the Jello, Gummy Bears, and Fruit snacks out there have ingredients like artificial food dyes, artificial flavors, GMO ingredients, and more. 

We know that those ingredients are harming our health, so let's have some fun in the kitchen and make our own! 


  • 1 & 1/2 cup of Juice - a lot of juices out there have dyes and flavors too! So make sure to get a clean organic option! We used 1 cup of organic apple cider and 1/2 cup of Ningxia Red (my way of getting some extra antioxidant power in there)

  • 4 Tbsp Grass-fed Gelatin (great for your gut health

  • 2 TBSP Honey  
Warm juice on the stove top until warm (do not boil) You don’t want to cook out all those good antioxidants. 

Slowly whisk in Gelatin to avoid clumps. 

Whisk in honey and poor in silicone molds and refrigerate for an hour  

Pop out of the molds and enjoy a fun jiggly treat! 

Watch the Recipe Video HERE

It’s a total mom win when something fun and yummy is healthy too!

Let me know if you give this recipe a try! 
Can't wait to hear what molds you find for yours! 

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach

(989) 245-5358

Why you need a little Lemon to start your day

Why you need a little Lemon to start your day
Most people grab coffee first thing in the morning which is actually really acidic and dehydrating to our body and organs. And after going all night without hydration, your body needs some love! 

I started keeping a glass of water by my bed and make sure to drink it quick before I even get out of bed. Give your body that quick hydration. 

Another one of my favorite ways to show my digestion, liver, and overall body some love in the morning is to have this warm drink. I call it my Lemon tea. Here is what is in it and why they are so beneficial.

Lemons - So what does lemon do for us? Get ready! This little citrus fruit is full of good stuff! 

  • A lemon is an acidic fruit, but it actually helps alkalize your body. Have you ever heard of PH? Keeping your body's PH balanced is crucial, and most of us are WAY too acidic. 

  • Help stimulate digestion and wake up the liver (Which is a big detoxifying organ, so it needs all the help it can get to keep getting rid of toxins for you) 

  • Packed with Vitamin C! So let's give our immune system a boost first thing in the morning so it is ready for the day!

  • High in potassium which is great for your heart health

  • Because of it's powerful detoxing power, lemon is great for your skin! Remember you can put on all the topical creams, but focusing on gut health is the true way to clear skin. 

Honey - Local Raw Honey is the good stuff!

  • Local raw Honey has been shown to support seasonal allergies

  • Minerals found in Honey - zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, and magnesium! So instead of grabbing sugar, reach for Honey or Pure maple syrup to sweeten something.

  • High in antioxidants (oxidative stress on our body is what ages us; bring on all the antioxidants!)

Cayenne Pepper - A powerful little spice

  • Stimulates your circulatory system by opening your capillaries

  • Aids in digestion

  • Helps regulate blood sugar

  • Can speed up your metabolism

Minced Ginger (optional) - Fresh Ginger or Vitality Ginger Essential oil are both great!. 

  • Great for your digestion

  • Immune support

  • Helps Inflammation

  • Antioxidants

So now that we know what these four things do for us and why they are helpful to start our day! Here is my recipe of how I put them together.

  • 1/2 Lemon
  • Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
  • Honey to taste
  • 1/2 inch peeled, minced fresh ginger (i use my garlic press to squeeze it)oooooooo,,,, or 1 drop Ginger Vitality Oil 
Add all ingredients to your favorite mug and fill with warm to hot water. Stir and drink before breakfast. 

Tip: If you are going to make this regularly, drink it with a stainless steel or glass straw to protect the enamel on your teeth. 

Give it a try and notice how you start feeling! And you may even start feeling so good and energized from starting your day off this way, that you can kick that need for coffee in the mornings. 

Tag me if you try it! 

- Bailey Lowe

(989) 245-5358

Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Chocolate Avocado Pudding
Everyone needs a sweet treat every now and then. And this chocolate goodness is full of super foods! 

First up! Let's talk Avocados! They are full of healthy fats. Yes... I said fats. 

For everyone that went through the 90's when we were told fats were bad, let's stop right there... 
Fat is one of the body’s most basic building blocks, especially for your brain and heart health. So instead of focusing on low fat, focus on using good fats like olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, grass fed butter, and ghee. And ditch unhealthy fats like soybean oil, hydrogenated oils, corn oil, canola oil, margarine, and shortening. 

And next! up for super foods.... Cacao! Yes! Chocolate is good for you, it's all about having the right kind of chocolate.  Organic Cacao Powder is full of antioxidants, vitamins, emails, and minerals, and is great for your brain, heart, skin, and even aids in weight loss. On the other hand... Cocoa Powder is a processed form of Cacao making it less beneficial for us. Cocoa Powder is heated and refined, stripped of its nutrients, and often contains sugar, & hydrogenated oils (bad fats) 

And bonus ingredient! Pure Maple Syrup! It is packed with minerals and a great replacement to sugar in your recipes. 

Here is the recipe! Give it a try and let me know how you like it! 

Chocolate Avocado Pudding 

  • 2 Avocado
  • 4 Tablespoons Cacao Powder
  • 4-6 Tablespoons of pure Maple Syrup 
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Pinch of redmonds sea salt
  • 1/3 cup plant based milk
Put all in blender, blend, and enjoy 

And if chocolate isn't your thing, you can switch out the Cacao Powder for the juice of a fresh lime,  cut the plant milk back to 1/4 cup, and add 5 drops of Lime vitality essential oil to make a Key Lime Pudding. It's delicious with coconut sprinkled on top! 

- Bailey Lowe

(989) 245-5358

Two ways to Support Inflammation

Two ways to Support Inflammation
I sent this out in an email last year and got so many good comments and people getting results that I am turning it into a blog post! Too much good info not to share here!
Here are a few tips on fighting inflammation and why inflammation is bad. This is something I've been working on for myself for the last few years, so I've done lots of research, and wanted to share with you the things that help me the most! 
First, it is helpful to know what inflammation is. It is a natural biological response to harmful stimuli. Basically, It's one of the body's protective mechanisms, and usually goes away once the harmful stimuli is no longer there (ie, your twisted ankle heals). 
Inflammation becomes a problem however, when it does not go away. Once Inflammation is a chronic issue, it can cause damage to the body tissue. This is often linked to autoimmune diseases, asthma, arthritis….  

So WHAT can we do about it?? 

Well, one of the very best things we can do is to support our body from the inside out! 
Remember how adding antioxidant rich foods was at the top of the list of supporting the body through an inflammatory flare up? 

Did you know?? 
Another powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant is turmeric! You can read more about all the amazing benefits of turmeric here!

Enter, the NingXia Sunrise!
I mixed these two powerful drinks together and I decided that if I felt that good after 2 days
 what must 30 days feel like?
SO, I am inviting you to join me!! I'm calling it the NingXia Sunrise challenge!
Here's how it works, fill a glass with ice, and pour over 2-4oz of NingXia. In a separate liquid measuring cup, mix 4oz cold water with ½ tsp of Golden Turmeric. Pour over top of the NingXia and ENJOY!!! It's truly a perfect fruity mocktail, that will have you feeling amazing!
(if you want to take it up a notch, add a can of Zyng!) 
Whenever you make one, tag me in your instagram or facebook stories!! I'd love to hear how it makes you feel over the course of 30 days. Let's start the new year feeling our absolute BEST! 

What do you have to lose???!!!! 

- Bailey Lowe

(989) 245-5358

My favorite Ranch Dressing Recipe

My favorite Ranch Dressing Recipe
A friend made this ranch dressing awhile back and as soon as I tasted it, I’ve been hooked! Never going back to ranch from a bottle.

And it is always a bonus to know every ingredient going into the things we eat. Too many foods out there have sneaky ingredients that aren’t doing our health any favors!

A common salad dressing ingredient that causes inflammation in our body are the oils used in the dressing. Things like soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, and vegetable oil are ones to avoid. 

Inflammation overtime puts our immune system on constant high alert. Over time this causes cellular damage to our tissues and organs. Research shows that chronic inflammation is linked to so many things! Any condition that ends with "itis" means inflammation, so things like arthritis, colitis, etc. link back to inflammation in the body. Inflammation is even linked to things like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, auto-immune conditions, and cancer. YIKES!

The good news is that all oils are not bad for us! What's a better choice? Use oils that have Omega 3 fats; things like avocado oil, coconut oil, or olive oil. These are great oils for heart, brain, and overall health. 

Tips for this recipe - I used...
- Organic spices (yay for no pesticides or GMO’s)
- Avocado oil mayo (no inflammatory oils, good omega 3 avocado oil) 
- Almond Milk or Oat Milk (watch for carrageenan in non dairy milks you buy; inflammatory and bad for gut health) It is super easy to make your own non dairy milks or I like to grab mine from Thrive Market, their brand is one of the few Almond and Oat milks that I have found to not have carrageenan. 
- And the secret ingredient that sets this ranch apart is Dill vitality oil! It's a flavor bomb! 

- 1 1/2 cup Mayo
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup Non-Dairy Milk
- 1 1/2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- 3 cloves Garlic pressed
- 2 -4 drops dill vitality oil
- 1 tsp Onion powder
- 1/4 tsp paprika
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1 tsp Parsley
- Salt to taste

Mix together all ingredients in a bowl. Store in a jar in the fridge. The flavors will really come through after about 4 hours. Put it on salads or use it as a dip! 

Enjoy! Let me know if you give it a try! 

-Bailey Lowe

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