Why you need a little Lemon to start your day
Most people grab coffee first thing in the morning which is actually really acidic and dehydrating to our body and organs. And after going all night without hydration, your body needs some love! 

I started keeping a glass of water by my bed and make sure to drink it quick before I even get out of bed. Give your body that quick hydration. 

Another one of my favorite ways to show my digestion, liver, and overall body some love in the morning is to have this warm drink. I call it my Lemon tea. Here is what is in it and why they are so beneficial.

Lemons - So what does lemon do for us? Get ready! This little citrus fruit is full of good stuff! 

  • A lemon is an acidic fruit, but it actually helps alkalize your body. Have you ever heard of PH? Keeping your body's PH balanced is crucial, and most of us are WAY too acidic. 

  • Help stimulate digestion and wake up the liver (Which is a big detoxifying organ, so it needs all the help it can get to keep getting rid of toxins for you) 

  • Packed with Vitamin C! So let's give our immune system a boost first thing in the morning so it is ready for the day!

  • High in potassium which is great for your heart health

  • Because of it's powerful detoxing power, lemon is great for your skin! Remember you can put on all the topical creams, but focusing on gut health is the true way to clear skin. 

Honey - Local Raw Honey is the good stuff!

  • Local raw Honey has been shown to support seasonal allergies

  • Minerals found in Honey - zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, and magnesium! So instead of grabbing sugar, reach for Honey or Pure maple syrup to sweeten something.

  • High in antioxidants (oxidative stress on our body is what ages us; bring on all the antioxidants!)

Cayenne Pepper - A powerful little spice

  • Stimulates your circulatory system by opening your capillaries

  • Aids in digestion

  • Helps regulate blood sugar

  • Can speed up your metabolism

Minced Ginger (optional) - Fresh Ginger or Vitality Ginger Essential oil are both great!. 

  • Great for your digestion

  • Immune support

  • Helps Inflammation

  • Antioxidants

So now that we know what these four things do for us and why they are helpful to start our day! Here is my recipe of how I put them together.

  • 1/2 Lemon
  • Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
  • Honey to taste
  • 1/2 inch peeled, minced fresh ginger (i use my garlic press to squeeze it)oooooooo,,,, or 1 drop Ginger Vitality Oil 
Add all ingredients to your favorite mug and fill with warm to hot water. Stir and drink before breakfast. 

Tip: If you are going to make this regularly, drink it with a stainless steel or glass straw to protect the enamel on your teeth. 

Give it a try and notice how you start feeling! And you may even start feeling so good and energized from starting your day off this way, that you can kick that need for coffee in the mornings. 

Tag me if you try it! 

- Bailey Lowe

(989) 245-5358


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