Two ways to Support Inflammation
I sent this out in an email last year and got so many good comments and people getting results that I am turning it into a blog post! Too much good info not to share here!
Here are a few tips on fighting inflammation and why inflammation is bad. This is something I've been working on for myself for the last few years, so I've done lots of research, and wanted to share with you the things that help me the most! 
First, it is helpful to know what inflammation is. It is a natural biological response to harmful stimuli. Basically, It's one of the body's protective mechanisms, and usually goes away once the harmful stimuli is no longer there (ie, your twisted ankle heals). 
Inflammation becomes a problem however, when it does not go away. Once Inflammation is a chronic issue, it can cause damage to the body tissue. This is often linked to autoimmune diseases, asthma, arthritis….  

So WHAT can we do about it?? 

Well, one of the very best things we can do is to support our body from the inside out! 
Remember how adding antioxidant rich foods was at the top of the list of supporting the body through an inflammatory flare up? 

Did you know?? 
Another powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant is turmeric! You can read more about all the amazing benefits of turmeric here!

Enter, the NingXia Sunrise!
I mixed these two powerful drinks together and I decided that if I felt that good after 2 days
 what must 30 days feel like?
SO, I am inviting you to join me!! I'm calling it the NingXia Sunrise challenge!
Here's how it works, fill a glass with ice, and pour over 2-4oz of NingXia. In a separate liquid measuring cup, mix 4oz cold water with ½ tsp of Golden Turmeric. Pour over top of the NingXia and ENJOY!!! It's truly a perfect fruity mocktail, that will have you feeling amazing!
(if you want to take it up a notch, add a can of Zyng!) 
Whenever you make one, tag me in your instagram or facebook stories!! I'd love to hear how it makes you feel over the course of 30 days. Let's start the new year feeling our absolute BEST! 

What do you have to lose???!!!! 

- Bailey Lowe

(989) 245-5358


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