Does your Lymphatic System need some TLC? 

We are constantly exposed to things in our environment that our body needs to detox. And your amazing body that God created has natural ways that it detoxes your body everyday; things like sweating, digestion, breathing, and even sleeping. 

Your lymphatic system is one of the ways that your body detoxes. This amazing system is like your bodies’ garbage truck; if it isn’t flowing, all of that garbage is building up which then causes lots of problems.

 Here are some signs that lymphatic fluid is not moving effectively and that toxins are building up in your body:

• Bloating
• Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
• Brain fog
• Digestive issues
• Parasites
• Depression
• Sinus infections
• Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
• Enlarged lymph nodes
• Chronic fatigue
• Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
• Excess weight
• Cold hands and feet
• Constipation
• Worsened allergies
• Food sensitivities
• Increased colds and flu

 Are you ready ? 

Grab these Lymph Loving supplies and join us!

Once you order your supplies Text "LYMPH" to (989) 394-6457 for the complete Lymphatic Guide and access to the private Facebook Group. 

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© Bailey Lowe