Things I do when I feel a Headache coming on
Headaches! The worst, am I right? 

A headache is a signal from our body that something needs attention. Our body works as a whole, so when an alert like a headache happens, it is our job to find out what our body is trying to tell us. Treating symptoms is temporary, finding the root cause is what we really want.

Our body could be trying to tell us that it needs something like nutrients or hydration; or it could be  something that our body doesn't like... stress, ingredients in food we eat, things in our environment like cleaning products, laundry soap, or personal care products.  

And don't forget about hormones! They are a common headache/migraine trigger. But ironically, alot of the ingredients in the everyday cleaning and personal care products that we use have a big impact on our hormones. So choosing clean options for those can help your hormones which may in turn help with recurrent hormonal headaches. (My fav toxic free cleaning products and fav clean skincare)

Here are a few things I do when I feel a headache coming on 

- Salt 
I know what you are thinking. "Isn't salt bad for you"  We are often told, not to use too much salt, but I'm here to tell you that you need salt in your life. That being said, white table salt is garbage... it has been stripped of most of the minerals. So basically white table salt isn't doing you any favors, toss that stuff. 

But! Himalayan or Celtic sea salt are both full of minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium! So good for you! Ditch that white table salt and start using this in your food! Your body will love it!

When that first little bit of headache starts I grab my Redmond's Sea salt Shaker and shake a little bit in my mouth. I do this every 15 minutes for about an hour or longer if needed. Giving your body that little boost of minerals could be that little bit of love your body needs to turn that headache off. 

I notice that my headaches pop up on days that I haven't been good about drinking my water.  So when you feel that first little bit come on, drink a big glass of water right away.  And that salt you just had will help your body absorb that water. 

-Essential Oils 
We want to stop a headache and we need something to stop the hurt. Essential Oils are my personal go to for that. That cooling feeling of Peppermint on my temple and neck feel so good! (Be careful with Peppermint, it is a hot oil so you may need to dilute it a little bit with coconut, almond, or avocado oil.) 

Here are some of my favorite go toos! Deep relief is my absolute favorite because it has peppermint in it and comes with a roller top so easy to apply. 

After those three things if you can manage it in your schedule, lay down for a few minutes to help your body kick that headache out! 

I hope these tips help you, and would love to hear how they work for you!

If you would love to talk more one on one about headache struggles, schedule a 15 minute health chat with me! I would love to help you get to the bottom of your headaches. 

- Bailey Lowe

(989) 245-5358


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