Is Salt Healthy?
Salt... we are told that it is bad for us. But what if I told you that real salt is actually a fundamental nutrient for our health? Let's break it down... 

Why does Salt get a bad rap?

When they say Salt is bad for you, they are absolutely right when they are talking about regular old table salt.

 So what makes table salt so bad? Table salt is chemically produced, bleached, and devoid of other trace nutrients and minerals. The problem with the Low sodium movement is that instead of replacing it with trace minerals and healthier options, they usually replace it with things like MSG or other additives... No thank you! 

So not only is it bleached and stripped of its nutrients, table salt is dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, which actually alters the chemical structure of the salt.

And!!! Guess what? When saltwater fish are placed in salt water made with table salt, they die...  Let that sink in!

So, walk over to your cupboard and give that table salt a toss or use it with some baking soda and Thieves Cleaner to scrub your tub. 

Don't worry! You don't have to live a life of bland tasteless food! Switching gears to talk about how real salt is good for you, and how it can benefit your health

Why Real Salt is Good 

I'm here to tell you that real salt is healthy, needed, and full of vital nutrients that we all need. The Low Sodium movement has actually created deficiencies in necessary minerals. Real salts contain 60-80 trace minerals that are essential for our health. 

Here are some things that are a result of too little sodium and trace minerals
  • Kidney Stones
  • Gall Bladder Issues
  • Cellulite
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Joint Pain
  • Brain Fog
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Gout
  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory problems
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Problems with Blood Sugar
  • Water retention 

Here are some of the health benefits of real salt
  • Creates an electrolyte balance in your body
  • Increases Hydration
  • Helps the body digest food properly
  • Balances the PH levels in your body
  • Reduces acid reflux
  • Prevents muscle cramping
  • Help the Respiratory system function properly
  • Helps our metabolism function properly
  • Strengthens Bones
  • Lower's Blood Pressure (Yup, you read that right! We will talk about that in a little bit) 
  • Helps the Intestines absorb nutrients
  • Improves circulation
  • Dissolves and eliminates sediment to remove toxins from the body
  • Helps you sleep better 
If doing something as simple as switching from table salt to real salt can help with all that, I'm all in!

And for all of you saying, hey! Doesn't salt intake cause high blood pressure?
Most of the studies done on the link between sodium and high blood pressure fail to take into account the difference between real salt and the chemical versions

Other studies have shown that it is actually the balance of calcium, magnesium, and other mineral's that improve blood pressure, not reducing sodium.

What are real salts and where to find them
If your salt is pure white, chances are that it has been bleached and stripped of its minerals. Himalayan Salt, Sea Salt, and Celtic Sea salts are what you want to look for! 

Redmonds Sea salt is my favorite that I trust, and it has 60+trace minerals. Celtic Sea salt is another favorite. 

How to get your minerals in 
Start using real salt on your food in place of table salt and get those added minerals that you need. 

- Add a pinch of real salt to your water. (It's just a pinch, you won't even notice the taste) 
I've started putting a pinch of real salt and a drop of lemon vitality oil in my water! Most of us drink filtered water, which is great, but also most filters take out all of the minerals from your water, so just a pinch, puts it back in. Plus, that little bit of salt helps you absorb the water and stay hydrated. 

-Take a mineral Supplement - If you really feel that your body needs more, start taking a mineral supplement.  Here is the one that I use.  

And most important, listen to your body! When you are craving something salty, that is your body saying it needs minerals! After you switch out your table salt for real salt, pay attention to how you feel. I know you will start noticing a difference! 

Thanks for reading and please share this if you found it valuable! 

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach
(989) 245-5358


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