Top Ten ingredients to AVOID in Your Personal Care Products
One of the first things I did on my journey to health, was start looking at ingredients.  It makes sense to most people to look at the ingredients in what we eat, but most people don’t realize that what you put on your skin every day, absorbs right into your body

If it's in the store isn't it safe? 
You would think, if it is on the shelf at the store, it must be safe... There are government agencies and things that monitor these things, right?...

Well... in 1976,  the Toxic substance control act was passed. And this law grandfathered in over 100,000 toxic chemicals. Which yes, almost 50 years later, this is still in effect! Which means that those chemicals are still allowed to be used in products sold in stores, today! #notcool 

And this statistic makes me feel sad, angry, baffled, all the emotions. Check this out... 
The European Union bans 1,328 chemicals from skincare/cosmetics that are known or suspected to cause cancer, genetic mutation, reproductive harm or birth defects.  
In comparison, the U.S. FDA has only banned or restricted 11 chemicals!
This is not ok! 

Top 10 ingredients to avoid in personal care products
1. Fragrance
2. Petroleum
3.  PFOAS, PFC'C, and Teflon Chemical SPF 
4. Parabens
5. Aluminum
6. Phthalates 
7. Polyethylene Glycols, and Polysorbates (PEGS)
8. Triclosan
9. Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) 
10. Formaldehyde

Green Washing... what's this? 
Many companies realize that people are looking for safe, natural options.  Since the beauty industry is mostly self-regulated here in the U.S. , skincare companies are using marketing on labels with pictures of plants and words  like “vegan” and “all-natural” —  while hiding a bunch of toxins in the ingredients. 

So this being said, don't count on what is sold in the stores to be safe for your personal care products. You are the gatekeeper of your home! 

Start flipping over your products and become a label reader. And if that seems overwhelming, start replacing one item at a time. You got this! 

How do I find skincare that is safe and effective?  

 I searched and tried ALOT of natural products before finding skincare that was truly clean and that worked. So here are some tips to save you some time and money. 

There are lots of DIY recipe's that are excellent for glowing skin! HERE are some fun recipes.

But... life is busy, and  I don’t always  take the time to make DIY recipes.  HERE are my favorites for ready to go skincare, that are above organic standards clean and work amazing! ... and they are essential oil infused, so bonus! 

I hope this helps you on your journey to health! You are going to be amazed at how much better you feel by just ditching and switching to cleaner options in your skincare, soaps, makeup, all those things we use every day that are making an impact. 

One of my favorite resources for Toxic Free Living

Living Balanced by Stacey Kimbrell is a great book that helped me learn what ingredients to avoid and all about toxic free living. If you order Young Living through me and do not have this book yet, let me know! It's a gift for you! 

And if  you would like to get a free Living Balanced  book reach out once you, reach out once you use my link HERE, and I will send one your way! 

If you would like some help with where to start or have questions on ingredient lists, I would love to help! I know that I am forever thankful for the friends that helped me when I first started looking for natural options. Schedule a Health Chat HERE.

- Bailey Lowe
Functional Nutrition Coach
(989) 245-5358


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