When a mama says "My kids are always sick"

Having sick babies is the worst!  It breaks our hearts to see them not feeling good, & it’s exhausting for us mama’s.  And if you don't have kiddo's keep reading because all of these tips are good for us BIG kids too!

Do my kids get sick? Yup! They are building their immune systems so it’s going to happen. 
We have found some ways to support their little bodies & immune systems to not get sick so often or help them bounce out of it fast if they do pick something up. 

  • First thing! Cut back on sugar. Sugar suppresses your immune system! If someone in the house is not feeling good, we take a break from sugar, so their immune system has all the strength it needs to fight off those germs! 
  • Less Dairy - Dairy can be inflammatory and increase mucus, so this one is important especially when anyone has a sniffle or congestion 
  • Probiotics - 70% if your immune system is in your gut! My guys take their probiotic every night ESPECIALLY during cold and flu season! 
  • Immune system supporting supplements - Finding good kid's vitamins these days can be a little crazy. A lot of the supplements out there for kids have lots of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and even food dyes! No way we want things like that in our vitamins! They are supposed to be helping our health not hurting it...  HERE are our favorite good supplements for kids. 
  • Antioxidants - all the good fruits and veggies to keep that immune system strong. Things like Elderberry Syrup and Ningxia Red are our go to's to add in extra antioxidants. Mama’s!!! Ningxia Red is your friend especially if you have a picky eater. It’s yummy and if they didn’t eat their fruit and veggies at least you know they had some superfood goodness #momwin 
  • Homeopathy - love this natural holistic approach to medicine! We have a great Homeopathic doctor that has helped us deal with everything from colds, flu’s, pink eye.
  • Essential Oils - These little bottles of plant magic have saved us more times than I can count. Let me just say when the stomach flu hit our house, I was oiling up those little tummy’s, & I was amazed how fast they snapped out of it! Everyone around us was struggling for days! Fever's, coughs, sniffles, whatever comes our way, we have an oil to reach for that helps us out. Can i just say Thieves' oil is my bffLove that God made plants with the power to help our bodies! Amazing that each one helps with different things! 
Would love to share more! If you have been struggling with you or your kiddo's catching every little thing or just want to talk about what you can do to be healthier, let's chat! Book a free 15 min health chat with me and we can talk about you! Book a Health Chat

1 Comment

  1. Julie Vanderkuur  03/18/2022 09:51 AM Central
    I love this! Thank you so much for the great info.

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